Life after infertility is a whole new world - which I know nothing about! But I don't want to forget a moment of this pregnancy that took so long to get.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
We have a roller!
She rolled from tummy to back for the first time a few weeks ago but then didn't do it again. Now she's rolling fairly consistently! It's so fun watching her grow and develop, I love her so much!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
3 Months!
This past month was a big one! Audrey smiles a lot and started to laugh. It's so cute because its just a squeak noise that comes out but I get her intentions! We went to the pumpkin patch for the first time, had her first Halloween, first Thanksgiving and she met Santa! Thanksgiving wasn't quite as big a hit, the timing was wrong since 5ish she starts to get sleepy and wants some quiet play time. She was the cutest pea in a pod ever though!
Oh boy Chris will hate that I posted that picture of him! Oh well :)
She also had an "indoor costume" from her aunt.
I truly can't believe how big she's getting! At her last appointment in mid October she was 12lbs 7oz and 24 1/4 inches! She's 90% for weight and 97% for height! She's developing her own schedule too which is really great. She goes to bed around 7 and sleeps until 7am waking up once or twice to eat depending on when her last bottle before bed was. We don't automatically do a bottle at bed so that she gets used to falling asleep without eating. It's working out well for us, I decided to do it that way after reading the Baby Whisperer.
She is so so much fun now and loves her jumperoo! We still go to storytime every Wednesday which she's a little too young to really understand but she loves seeing the kids and it tires her out! She's not a great napper though which we're trying to work on. She'll only nap in the afternoon if she's out and about in her car seat in the car or stroller. If she's at home in her crib - forget it.
We're still doing cloth diapers exclusively and we love them still. I have to start stockpiling some diapers that are meant for overnight too, hopefully she'll be STTN soon!! Here's some more random pics from this month.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Christmas Photo Shoot
We got this adorable bloomer and match headband set for a gift and I couldn't wait to take our Christmas pictures with it. Here are some outtakes....
The last one cracks me up, she looks so disproportionate!!
The last one cracks me up, she looks so disproportionate!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Two Months (a month late)
Audrey is 2 months now and she's really getting a personality! We're not on any sort of schedule yet but we're working on it, hopefully in the next few weeks. She's starting to smile on purpose so we can't wait for that! Our chubby monkey was in the 80% for weight and 90% for height at her 10 week appointment, so she's doing really well! No wonder she's eating 5oz at a time...
We're so excited about her first Halloween, she was a pea in a pod and we were farmers! It was fun to take her out and collect some candy for ourselves! She's loving the activity mat and starting to really focus on and hit the toys, it's so fun to watch her grow!
We're so excited about her first Halloween, she was a pea in a pod and we were farmers! It was fun to take her out and collect some candy for ourselves! She's loving the activity mat and starting to really focus on and hit the toys, it's so fun to watch her grow!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
First Family Vacation!
We decided to head up to Newport RI for a few days since she is being such a good baby! The weather was great while we were there, chilly and perfect for eating lots of clam chowder! I consumed mass amounts of dairy while there LOL. We toured 2 of the mansions, one was the Vanderbilts and it was AMAZING! Crazy crazy house and property. I don't think you could build a house like that anywhere today much less right on the water. Then we did the cliff walk which was fun until about 10 mins before we were back at the car, Audrey decided she was over the ergo and screamed all the way back. We walked veryyyy fast! We definitely couldn't have done this trip without the ergo, I'm so glad we got it as a gift, its so comfortable and easy to use.
Audrey also got her first pool swim! She's such a serious baby you can't tell if she likes it or not but she didn't hate it! She did however pee on me right before we got in lol. It was lots of fun and I want to go back when she's older so she can enjoy it too. She basically slept through Newport lol.
Audrey also got her first pool swim! She's such a serious baby you can't tell if she likes it or not but she didn't hate it! She did however pee on me right before we got in lol. It was lots of fun and I want to go back when she's older so she can enjoy it too. She basically slept through Newport lol.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Apple Picking!
Going to pick apples or pumpkins with our baby is something I've been dying to do for about 3 years now and I finally got to do it! We went to my in laws last weekend for our annual Crab Fest and stayed over to go to a farm near them on Sunday. It would have been sooo much fun had it not been 80 freaking degrees while trying to drink cider and pick apples! I wore Audrey in my Ergo which was great although I think we were both sweating by the time we were done lol. I bought the cutest pumpkin hat last week for her to wear on our "fall" trip. She only wore it for pictures because it was so hot. She looked adorable though!
She's not as slouched as she looks I promise!
And today was our 6w pediatrician appointment and he said she's doing great! 10lbs 4 oz, 22 1/4 inches and her head is 15 inches. So she's 90% for height, 80% for weight and 60% for head. I can't believe she weighs so much!!
She's not as slouched as she looks I promise!
And today was our 6w pediatrician appointment and he said she's doing great! 10lbs 4 oz, 22 1/4 inches and her head is 15 inches. So she's 90% for height, 80% for weight and 60% for head. I can't believe she weighs so much!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Stationery card

Hello Baby Pink Birth Announcement
Design your birth announcements with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
One Month!
Hard to believe but it's been one month since Audrey was born. I know they say time flies but it really does. It's funny because when we go places people always say how small and new she is, but to me she's so much bigger! She's still a really content happy baby, only cries when she's hungry - and she screams then!! She is definitely an eater! She's up to 5oz at a time now, every 4 to 5 hours. We haven't been back to the pedi for a weigh in but I think she has to be at least 9 lbs if not 10 by now. She's becoming more active and alert too especially in the morning. Not so much in the afternoon, she loves to sleep then especially when we're out.
This months likes: activity mat, either on her back or during tummy time, eating, being held, bath time (that's a recent development) - all typical newborn stuff!!
This months dislikes: not being fed immediately upon waking up!
We're doing cloth diapers all day except for at night we go through 2 disposables. Sleep is more important right now and she'll stay asleep for about 4 hours as long as she doesn't feel wet. So far so good, I'm still loving it and Chris likes it. Except prefolds - those he doesn't like. I actually find them really easy now but we'll switch to the AIOs once she fits into them. I think she's close to fitting in the BG smalls. Ok, here's a picture overload!
This months likes: activity mat, either on her back or during tummy time, eating, being held, bath time (that's a recent development) - all typical newborn stuff!!
This months dislikes: not being fed immediately upon waking up!
We're doing cloth diapers all day except for at night we go through 2 disposables. Sleep is more important right now and she'll stay asleep for about 4 hours as long as she doesn't feel wet. So far so good, I'm still loving it and Chris likes it. Except prefolds - those he doesn't like. I actually find them really easy now but we'll switch to the AIOs once she fits into them. I think she's close to fitting in the BG smalls. Ok, here's a picture overload!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
"Sleep when the baby sleeps"
I keep hearing this but the problem is if I sleep when she does, who's washing the bottles and cleaning up and prepping formula???
This phrase is going to the same list as "Relax, then you'll get pregnant" LOL
This phrase is going to the same list as "Relax, then you'll get pregnant" LOL
Sunday, September 4, 2011
She's here!
Overall I had a great delivery even during a hurricane! So last weekend on Aug 25th, the news was going bananas about Hurricane Irene that was supposed to be a category 2 storm hitting directly in Cape May County (our county) and heading up the East Coast. The Governor declared a state of emergency starting Friday and the town where our store is located decided the boardwalk was essentially closing and no one would be allowed to open Fri, Sat or Sun! This was so crazy and absolutely unheard of, that Chris was freaking out.
Not only did he have to prep the stores for a storm and hope the power didn't go out so we didn't lose all our food, we were losing an entire weekend of business out of only the 10 good weekends we do have in a season. Plus I'm overdue and 3cm dilated.
He wanted to evacuate to PA where his parents live since our entire county was under mandatory evacuation but I realllly didn't want to do that. Our compromise was that we would stay at our house until Sat noon time then head to our friends who weren't being evacuated and live near the hospital and then go to the hospital and LIE about being in labor so we could be at the hospital during the height of the storm. I wasn't super into this plan but I wasn't leaving the state so that was our deal.
So around 6pm Sat we go to hospital and say I'm having contractions, which I am, they just weren't regular yet. Some were about 8mins apart though but not painful yet. It happened to be my doctor who was on duty which worked out really well. So they set me up for monitoring, check to see about my water (which hadn't broken yet) which all took a little while. At this point, the storm is crazy outside, lots of wind and rain but no flooding yet which was now the major concern. So the doctor says that normally he would send me home but due to the storm I could twist his arm to get induced then instead of Tues which I was scheduled for. We ended up saying yes because there was no way Chris was leaving at this point! lol
So they admitted me, got my hooked up to an iv and started pitocin! This was around 9pm I think. Somewhere between 8 and 9. I was doing really well pain wise for a while, until about 11pm or 12 then I called to get the epi since I knew it could take up to an hour for the anesthesiologist to get there. By the time they got the epi in I was up to about a 9 pain level but they checked me and I was also at 7cm! As soon as I got the epi though my heart rate and Audrey's went really low so I had to wear an oxygen mask and switch positions until they went back up. Which didn't happen right away so I got something in my iv to raise them back up and they turned the pit down at the same time. At this point both Chris and my mom were still outside the room, since getting the epi is a sterile procedure they had to step out. But they thought it was only going to be about 15 mins not 45, I'm sure they were freaking out! But our heartrates eventually stabilized and the pit was turned back up but I was stuck with oxygen :(
I rested for a little while then they came back to check me again around 2:15am and I was at 10cm and ready to push! I was super surprised to hear that since it had only been about an hour since the epi was in and I was stabilized. Of course as soon as he said I could push there was a 7 min spacing between contractions! She was at 0 station so they wanted my to try and push her to -1 station and see how good of a pusher I was. On the first push they could see the top of her head! Apparently I was an excellent pusher! At least that's what they told me. 7 pushes later at 2:57am she was born!!! It was seriously amazing even though super blurry in my head.
My doctor and the nurses were amazing and I only tore a little and had no stitches. Overall I couldn't have asked for a better labor and delivery even though it started as a lie to get admitted :)
Not only did he have to prep the stores for a storm and hope the power didn't go out so we didn't lose all our food, we were losing an entire weekend of business out of only the 10 good weekends we do have in a season. Plus I'm overdue and 3cm dilated.
He wanted to evacuate to PA where his parents live since our entire county was under mandatory evacuation but I realllly didn't want to do that. Our compromise was that we would stay at our house until Sat noon time then head to our friends who weren't being evacuated and live near the hospital and then go to the hospital and LIE about being in labor so we could be at the hospital during the height of the storm. I wasn't super into this plan but I wasn't leaving the state so that was our deal.
So around 6pm Sat we go to hospital and say I'm having contractions, which I am, they just weren't regular yet. Some were about 8mins apart though but not painful yet. It happened to be my doctor who was on duty which worked out really well. So they set me up for monitoring, check to see about my water (which hadn't broken yet) which all took a little while. At this point, the storm is crazy outside, lots of wind and rain but no flooding yet which was now the major concern. So the doctor says that normally he would send me home but due to the storm I could twist his arm to get induced then instead of Tues which I was scheduled for. We ended up saying yes because there was no way Chris was leaving at this point! lol
So they admitted me, got my hooked up to an iv and started pitocin! This was around 9pm I think. Somewhere between 8 and 9. I was doing really well pain wise for a while, until about 11pm or 12 then I called to get the epi since I knew it could take up to an hour for the anesthesiologist to get there. By the time they got the epi in I was up to about a 9 pain level but they checked me and I was also at 7cm! As soon as I got the epi though my heart rate and Audrey's went really low so I had to wear an oxygen mask and switch positions until they went back up. Which didn't happen right away so I got something in my iv to raise them back up and they turned the pit down at the same time. At this point both Chris and my mom were still outside the room, since getting the epi is a sterile procedure they had to step out. But they thought it was only going to be about 15 mins not 45, I'm sure they were freaking out! But our heartrates eventually stabilized and the pit was turned back up but I was stuck with oxygen :(
I rested for a little while then they came back to check me again around 2:15am and I was at 10cm and ready to push! I was super surprised to hear that since it had only been about an hour since the epi was in and I was stabilized. Of course as soon as he said I could push there was a 7 min spacing between contractions! She was at 0 station so they wanted my to try and push her to -1 station and see how good of a pusher I was. On the first push they could see the top of her head! Apparently I was an excellent pusher! At least that's what they told me. 7 pushes later at 2:57am she was born!!! It was seriously amazing even though super blurry in my head.
My doctor and the nurses were amazing and I only tore a little and had no stitches. Overall I couldn't have asked for a better labor and delivery even though it started as a lie to get admitted :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Today is my due date!
And not a contraction in sight lol. I have my 40 week appointment today at 2:30 so hopefully I have some good progress to report. She's still quite active in there and apparently quite comfortable! Also this staying home from work with no baby is for the birds! Everyone calls me or texts to see if the baby is here yet, I have nothing to do and I'm bored.
I ate spicy chicken tenders last night, had Chris do acupressure on my feet and thumbs the other night but so far that hasn't helped. Only time will tell!
I ate spicy chicken tenders last night, had Chris do acupressure on my feet and thumbs the other night but so far that hasn't helped. Only time will tell!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Waiting and more waiting
I'm 39 weeks today, so at most we're looking at 2 more weeks of being pregnant. Which seems like a reallllllly long time right now. I have an appt tomorrow so hopefully we'll see some sort of progress. Everyone is ready even Chris. He said every single time I call he thinks it's time and its usually me saying, do we need anything from the store? LOL Friday is my last day of work which I can't wait. It's getting uncomfortable to type and use the mouse all day plus I'm just so tired by the afternoon I'm pretty useless.
And as ready as I am, I will miss being pregnant. It took so much to *get* pregnant but my pregnancy itself was really easy and uneventful. I've really actually enjoyed it. And I still think I look pretty cute most of the time :) As much as I want to meet Audrey I am so tired of people telling me to walk, eat spicy foods and have sex to go into labor. I am not interested in any of those activities!!
And as ready as I am, I will miss being pregnant. It took so much to *get* pregnant but my pregnancy itself was really easy and uneventful. I've really actually enjoyed it. And I still think I look pretty cute most of the time :) As much as I want to meet Audrey I am so tired of people telling me to walk, eat spicy foods and have sex to go into labor. I am not interested in any of those activities!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
38 Week Appt
We had minor progress!! My cervix is now soft but not dilated. She tried to get a fingertip through, that was not pleasant! At all. Then today I had a growth ultrasound, apparently I make small babies. She measured at 6 lbs which I didn't think was that small but is apparently only 14%. He freaked me out a little because he said if she measured below 10% he would have to call the doctor and I'd be sent to the hospital for monitoring! I've been measuring small the whole time so I wasn't surprised that she was smaller but I was surprised that I might have been sent to the hospital! I didn't even know that was a possibility. But it's all good!
So now we continue the waiting game! I'm ready now!!
So now we continue the waiting game! I'm ready now!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Nursery Reveal
Get ready for tons of pics! I love love love how everything came out. I think I was afraid to finish it but I bit the bullet and put away the last few things today.
Crib: Babyletto Modo 3-in1 from BRU (gift)
Dresser: West Elm Niche 6 drawer dresser (gift)
Nightstand: West Elm Niche nightstand - $215 plus shipping
Glider: Dutalier via Craigstlist - $75
Ottoman: Craigslist - $20
Fabric for Ottoman: Joann's fabric - $10
Closet Curtains: fabric from Tonic Living - $75, made by friend - $50
Chevron pillow: made by friend from leftover fabric - $25
Wall decal: etsy janeymacpress - $46.50
Lamp: TJ Maxx - $45
Mobile: etsy LivsLullaby - $59
Crib: Babyletto Modo 3-in1 from BRU (gift)
Dresser: West Elm Niche 6 drawer dresser (gift)
Nightstand: West Elm Niche nightstand - $215 plus shipping
Glider: Dutalier via Craigstlist - $75
Ottoman: Craigslist - $20
Fabric for Ottoman: Joann's fabric - $10
Closet Curtains: fabric from Tonic Living - $75, made by friend - $50
Chevron pillow: made by friend from leftover fabric - $25
Wall decal: etsy janeymacpress - $46.50
Lamp: TJ Maxx - $45
Mobile: etsy LivsLullaby - $59
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
37 Week Update
Had my 37 week OB appointment and my first internal today. Also the Group B strep swab which was no big deal at all. And actually the internal wasn't bad either. However, my cervix is evidently "hard as a rock" LOL. She said at this rate, I won't deliver until Labor Day weekend, which is actually ok by me! Well not *exactly* that long because I would be 12 days overdue but going to term or a little past is ok too.
I can't complain though because I'm not super uncomfortable, I'm not swelling, I'm still sleeping pretty well. I'm just sooo tired, I'm not sure the nesting instinct will kick in for me!
The nursery is thisclose to being done. I need to pick up the glider cushions from my mom, she very nicely cleaned them for me and put away a few more things, then I can post the nursery reveal! I absolutely love it and I'm so glad it's ready.
We're ready to meet Audrey!!
I can't complain though because I'm not super uncomfortable, I'm not swelling, I'm still sleeping pretty well. I'm just sooo tired, I'm not sure the nesting instinct will kick in for me!
The nursery is thisclose to being done. I need to pick up the glider cushions from my mom, she very nicely cleaned them for me and put away a few more things, then I can post the nursery reveal! I absolutely love it and I'm so glad it's ready.
We're ready to meet Audrey!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
More updates and progess
Tomorrow marks 35/35, 35 weeks pregnant with 35 days to go! Audrey is almost here and I am *not* ready. For one, work has been crazy which it isn't normally in the summer so that's stressing me out. I don't feel prepared to leave work at all. And I've been so tired and lazy at night I get almost nothing accomplished. But I have gotten some things done. We hung the mobile, which I love love love, I washed and hung all her newborn clothes, hung sorted and put away/hung 3+ months clothes, wrote most of the thank you cards, made and froze a soup and some chicken enchiladas, scheduled a prenatal massage (I've had the gift cert since Mothers Day!), put together and aired out the stroller and car seat. Here is a pic of the mobile, which is bird cut outs in 3 different shades of yellow.
Chris is home Thursdays so I get him to help me with a bunch of stuff on that day, but it's definitely tough to motivate myself the rest of the week. My OB appts have been going well and uneventful which is great and I'm up 6.5 lbs overall, 2 lbs in the last week alone. I think I'll probably end up around the 10-15 lb mark which is great, I'm glad I'm not starving her after all!
My major goal for this weekend is to get my car cleaned out, vacuumed and the car seat base installed and inspected. I also have to get my regular car inspection, since I'm 3 months overdue on that! Oops!
And here is the best shower gift! My friend painted a kid sized table and chair set. It is adorable!! And the birds she painted match the wall decal exactly! Plus she put her name on the back of each chair.
Chris is home Thursdays so I get him to help me with a bunch of stuff on that day, but it's definitely tough to motivate myself the rest of the week. My OB appts have been going well and uneventful which is great and I'm up 6.5 lbs overall, 2 lbs in the last week alone. I think I'll probably end up around the 10-15 lb mark which is great, I'm glad I'm not starving her after all!
My major goal for this weekend is to get my car cleaned out, vacuumed and the car seat base installed and inspected. I also have to get my regular car inspection, since I'm 3 months overdue on that! Oops!
And here is the best shower gift! My friend painted a kid sized table and chair set. It is adorable!! And the birds she painted match the wall decal exactly! Plus she put her name on the back of each chair.
And here is her adorable closet so far
Monday, July 4, 2011
Weekend Update
I had a semi-productive holiday weekend. My big baby goal was to prep my prefolds, which I finally finished last night! It wasn't hard just time consuming. I did a cold wash with a tiny bit of Charlie's soap then dried them, then 2 hot washes with 1/2 scoop soap, then dry again, then 2 more hot washes with 1/2 scoop soap, then dry again. I tested them absorbency and the water soaked right in, didn't ball up and roll off like it before so I *think* I did it right.
I also continued the never ending lamp search! I found a great lamp with a bright pink base that matches the color of the birds on the wall but the shade was a cork material and it just didn't work. Then I found another lamp with a bright pink base that was a little smaller, which was good and it had a white shade with pink polka dots. Perfect in theory not so much in the room. Grrr. The problem is that its going against the wall with the decal so I don't want it to detract from that. It might be worth it to buy a plain white shade but I want to find one in a store instead of online, which isn't as easy as it should be.
Thanks to Target I now have some cheap underwear and a pair of comfy pants to wear after we get home from the hospital. Oh and 2 nursing bras that are actually the right size! Novel idea, lol.
Next weekend is my mom's shower, I'm so excited! After that I can wash and put away all the clothes and things and see what I still need to get.
We're getting scary close at this point, I'll be full term in 5 weeks!
I also continued the never ending lamp search! I found a great lamp with a bright pink base that matches the color of the birds on the wall but the shade was a cork material and it just didn't work. Then I found another lamp with a bright pink base that was a little smaller, which was good and it had a white shade with pink polka dots. Perfect in theory not so much in the room. Grrr. The problem is that its going against the wall with the decal so I don't want it to detract from that. It might be worth it to buy a plain white shade but I want to find one in a store instead of online, which isn't as easy as it should be.
Thanks to Target I now have some cheap underwear and a pair of comfy pants to wear after we get home from the hospital. Oh and 2 nursing bras that are actually the right size! Novel idea, lol.
Next weekend is my mom's shower, I'm so excited! After that I can wash and put away all the clothes and things and see what I still need to get.
We're getting scary close at this point, I'll be full term in 5 weeks!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Shower #1
Yesterday was my first ever baby shower! My MIL and SIL gave me a shower in PA with their family friends and family on that side. It was a great day and we got lots of cute stuff! We got a lot of clothes but all different sizes and not *too* many. Plus they were useful like sleep and plays and onesies. From what I hear, that's what she'll live in for the first 6 months!
The one gift I reallllly wanted was my car seat so I can take it out and play with it. I was so excited that my MIL got that for me! We also got our jumperoo, stroller, video monitor, adorable potty, lots of the the health and grooming items, both of our diaper bags, the sleep sheep, a couple toys, a handmade blanket that is really cute and a monogrammed LL Bean bag from my SIL that she filled with stuff. It's really cute and I'm sure it will come in very handy!
The cake was adorable, it said Welcome Audrey with some large yellow polka dots, which is exactly what her rug looks like. Plus there were cupcakes that had yellow dots with an A on them. So so adorable. Now for pics! Of course my camera died after I took a picture of the cake, but my friend has some that she'll send to me.
The one gift I reallllly wanted was my car seat so I can take it out and play with it. I was so excited that my MIL got that for me! We also got our jumperoo, stroller, video monitor, adorable potty, lots of the the health and grooming items, both of our diaper bags, the sleep sheep, a couple toys, a handmade blanket that is really cute and a monogrammed LL Bean bag from my SIL that she filled with stuff. It's really cute and I'm sure it will come in very handy!
The cake was adorable, it said Welcome Audrey with some large yellow polka dots, which is exactly what her rug looks like. Plus there were cupcakes that had yellow dots with an A on them. So so adorable. Now for pics! Of course my camera died after I took a picture of the cake, but my friend has some that she'll send to me.
Monday, June 20, 2011
I'm so excited that this year I got to say Happy Fathers' Day to Chris. Even though I forgot when I was actually on the phone with him and he had to remind me what day it was :)
Just got back from my friend's baby shower and it was so fun and also slightly overwhelming to see all her baby stuff in one place! Stuff I'm going to have hopefully in the next month.
It takes one lawyer, one CPA and one mom to get a Peg Perego car seat out of it's base...guess who really figured it out! lol
I'm extremely lucky and happy to still be feeling comfortable most of the time, I almost wonder if I just won't get to that stage until the very end. So far I've loved pretty much every minute of being pregnant which is totally the opposite of what I expected.
Whiny, bratty confession: My shower is this coming Saturday and so far 9 people other than myself, my mom and my mother in law have bought stuff from my registry. It makes me reallllly nervous for what I'm actually going to be unwrapping!
Just got back from my friend's baby shower and it was so fun and also slightly overwhelming to see all her baby stuff in one place! Stuff I'm going to have hopefully in the next month.
It takes one lawyer, one CPA and one mom to get a Peg Perego car seat out of it's base...guess who really figured it out! lol
I'm extremely lucky and happy to still be feeling comfortable most of the time, I almost wonder if I just won't get to that stage until the very end. So far I've loved pretty much every minute of being pregnant which is totally the opposite of what I expected.
Whiny, bratty confession: My shower is this coming Saturday and so far 9 people other than myself, my mom and my mother in law have bought stuff from my registry. It makes me reallllly nervous for what I'm actually going to be unwrapping!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Mattress Score!
Babies R Us was running a mattress sale this week and a better mattress was on sale for the same price we had already agreed to spend. Then my SIL mentioned she might have a coupon for an extra 20% so I waited for her to find it and check out the restrictions. By the time she tells me it won't work the ONE brand wasn't on sale anymore, even though the sale wasn't over! So I called BRU customer service who tells me yes, Naturepedic isn't on sale anymore, we don't do rainchecks, but I can transfer you to internet sales to see if there's anything they can do.
I was channeling my husband on this phone call because he's *always* the one to call or ask about a better price, I'm usually not comfortable doing that. But I reallllly wanted this mattress! So she transfers me and they say the price is the price, blah blah, but if she can verify that it was yesterday it was on sale they will do it as a one time courtesy. She verifies and it's mine for the same 20% off!! Score one for just asking what they can do for you! So we got the Naturepedic Organic Crib Classic 150 for $207.99 and free shipping!
It has 100% organic cotton filling, with a non-vinyl/PVC waterproof covering. As an unexpected bonus, my mother in law said she would buy it for us!
I was channeling my husband on this phone call because he's *always* the one to call or ask about a better price, I'm usually not comfortable doing that. But I reallllly wanted this mattress! So she transfers me and they say the price is the price, blah blah, but if she can verify that it was yesterday it was on sale they will do it as a one time courtesy. She verifies and it's mine for the same 20% off!! Score one for just asking what they can do for you! So we got the Naturepedic Organic Crib Classic 150 for $207.99 and free shipping!
It has 100% organic cotton filling, with a non-vinyl/PVC waterproof covering. As an unexpected bonus, my mother in law said she would buy it for us!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Nursery Progress
Although we still own the old bedroom furniture from this room, we finally moved it all out, laid the rug and rearranged everything. I LOVE this rug, I always have since it first came out in Pottery Barn I don't know how long ago. When we found out the baby was a girl, I knew I had to have this rug. Except they don't make it anymore. But...I called the PB customer service - super helpful, I've tracked other things down this way - and they were able to search all their stores and outlets and found one in NJ!!! It was under $300 including shipping for an 8x10 wool rug. And it looks ahh-mazing in the room.
There's still a bunch to do and since I took these pics, we hung the wall decal over the glider, which looks so cute. I still have to:
There's still a bunch to do and since I took these pics, we hung the wall decal over the glider, which looks so cute. I still have to:
- find matching fabric and recover the ottoman
- pick out and buy a crib skirt
- put the mattress in (delivered yesterday)
- buy the mobile if she ever sends me color samples
- get curtains for closet back from the woman who is making them
- find a hamper, diaper pail and wipes trash can
- repaint inside of closet and install new closet organizer
- change artwork above crib (what's there now is moving)
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