Thursday, September 29, 2011

One Month!

Hard to believe but it's been one month since Audrey was born.  I know they say time flies but it really does.  It's funny because when we go places people always say how small and new she is, but to me she's so much bigger!  She's still a really content happy baby, only cries when she's hungry - and she screams then!!  She is definitely an eater!  She's up to 5oz at a time now, every 4 to 5 hours.  We haven't been back to the pedi for a weigh in but I think she has to be at least 9 lbs if not 10 by now.  She's becoming more active and alert too especially in the morning.  Not so much in the afternoon, she loves to sleep then especially when we're out.

This months likes: activity mat, either on her back or during tummy time, eating, being held, bath time (that's a recent development)   - all typical newborn stuff!!

This months dislikes: not being fed immediately upon waking up!

We're doing cloth diapers all day except for at night we go through 2 disposables.  Sleep is more important right now and she'll stay asleep for about 4 hours as long as she doesn't feel wet.  So far so good, I'm still loving it and Chris likes it.  Except prefolds - those he doesn't like.  I actually find them really easy now but we'll switch to the AIOs once she fits into them.  I think she's close to fitting in the BG smalls.  Ok, here's a picture overload!

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