Sunday, May 6, 2012

7 Months!

I'm late again, but I blame tax season.  Again. :) Our little baby has passed the half year mark and is steaming towards 1 year. 

March was a busy month work-wise for me so I didn't get to see her nearly as much as I would like.  Her and daddy had plenty of bonding time though!  March is also her grandmom's birthday month so we made her a fun sign to facetime with, since Marm was in DC for the weekend.
 She's such a pro at sitting now, has zero interest in crawling and absolutely hates bending her knees in general, unless of course she's jumping.  She lovessss her jumperoo!  Her favorite toys right now are the jumperoo, Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Purse, and her stacking rings.  Chris and I both know the purse song by heart now lol.  My favorite toy is Violet since the way she pauses before she says Audrey's name cracks me up.

She's loving all her food, anything we give her she tries.  She's not a huge fan of broccoli yet, but mixed with something else, she'll eat it.  We're starting to give her puffs sometimes and Abby (our dog) is a HUGE fan, she ends up with way more puffs then Audrey does.

She's still in 6-9 month clothing but the pj's are getting too short for her super long legs.  I can't believe my little baby is wearing 12m anything!

It was also her first St. Patrick's Day!  Given her extremely fair skin, I'm guessing this will be a cherished holiday at some point :)

And here she's modeling my favorite diaper :)