Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today is my due date!

And not a contraction in sight lol.  I have my 40 week appointment today at 2:30 so hopefully I have some good progress to report.  She's still quite active in there and apparently quite comfortable!  Also this staying home from work with no baby is for the birds!  Everyone calls me or texts to see if the baby is here yet, I have nothing to do and I'm bored.

I ate spicy chicken tenders last night, had Chris do acupressure on my feet and thumbs the other night but so far that hasn't helped.  Only time will tell!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Waiting and more waiting

I'm 39 weeks today, so at most we're looking at 2 more weeks of being pregnant.  Which seems like a reallllllly long time right now.  I have an appt tomorrow so hopefully we'll see some sort of progress.  Everyone is ready even Chris.  He said every single time I call he thinks it's time and its usually me saying, do we need anything from the store? LOL  Friday is my last day of work which I can't wait.  It's getting uncomfortable to type and use the mouse all day plus I'm just so tired by the afternoon I'm pretty useless.

And as ready as I am, I will miss being pregnant.  It took so much to *get* pregnant but my pregnancy itself was really easy and uneventful.  I've really actually enjoyed it.  And I still think I look pretty cute most of the time :)  As much as I want to meet Audrey I am so tired of people telling me to walk, eat spicy foods and have sex to go into labor.  I am not interested in any of those activities!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

38 Week Appt

We had minor progress!!  My cervix is now soft but not dilated.  She tried to get a fingertip through, that was not pleasant!  At all.  Then today I had a growth ultrasound, apparently I make small babies.  She measured at 6 lbs which I didn't think was that small but is apparently only 14%.  He freaked me out a little because he said if she measured below 10% he would have to call the doctor and I'd be sent to the hospital for monitoring!  I've been measuring small the whole time so I wasn't surprised that she was smaller but I was surprised that I might have been sent to the hospital!  I didn't even know that was a possibility.  But it's all good!

So now we continue the waiting game!  I'm ready now!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nursery Reveal

 Get ready for tons of pics!  I love love love how everything came out.  I think I was afraid to finish it but I bit the bullet and put away the last few things today.

Crib: Babyletto Modo 3-in1 from BRU (gift)
Dresser:  West Elm Niche 6 drawer dresser (gift)
Nightstand: West Elm Niche nightstand - $215 plus shipping
Glider: Dutalier via Craigstlist - $75
Ottoman: Craigslist - $20
Fabric for Ottoman: Joann's fabric - $10
Closet Curtains: fabric from Tonic Living - $75, made by friend - $50
Chevron pillow: made by friend from leftover fabric - $25
Wall decal: etsy janeymacpress - $46.50
Lamp: TJ Maxx - $45
Mobile: etsy LivsLullaby - $59

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

37 Week Update

Had my 37 week OB appointment and my first internal today.  Also the Group B strep swab which was no big deal at all.  And actually the internal wasn't bad either.  However, my cervix is evidently "hard as a rock" LOL.  She said at this rate, I won't deliver until Labor Day weekend, which is actually ok by me!  Well not *exactly* that long because I would be 12 days overdue but going to term or a little past is ok too.

I can't complain though because I'm not super uncomfortable, I'm not swelling, I'm still sleeping pretty well.  I'm just sooo tired, I'm not sure the nesting instinct will kick in for me!

The nursery is thisclose to being done.  I need to pick up the glider cushions from my mom, she very nicely cleaned them for me and put away a few more things, then I can post the nursery reveal!  I absolutely love it and I'm so glad it's ready.

We're ready to meet Audrey!!