Thursday, January 6, 2011

Taking the dive

As an avid blog reader I've seen how cathartic it can be to send your thoughts into the interwebz. Just like the diary you used to keep in grade school. Except instead of drawing heart's around a boy's name and writing how much you just wanted him to like you! now we're writing about life, family, money and everything in between.

I probably should have started blogging when I started the whole infertilily process but I'm inherently lazy and not that great of a writer so I've procrastinated. Now that I've reached the mecca of infertilily - pregnancy - I decided I really did need to record all the little moments that I would otherwise forget!

I'll post the full story soon, but short story is this:  after multiple IUIs, a laproscopy,  lots of meds and money my first IVF worked and I'm due August 24, 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Hey 2bk, it's Blueberries:) I am so excited to follow your blog (and also of course your pregnancy!) I am super excited for you!
