Friday, May 27, 2011

Breastfeeding Class

So last night was our breastfeeding class which was informative and also overwhelming.  We got lots of good information and handouts to read and refer to.  Just reiterates how much WORK it will be!  Not that I didn't already think that but it scares me a little.  Chris' opinion is that people breastfed for years, you'll be fine.

One thing I can't control is how PCOS will affect it.  I'll either have enough milk for trips or none of all!  The best thing I can do is try and if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work.  I don't have to talk about the benefits, I think most people don't question that breastmilk is the ideal food for babies and more natural, etc.  I have a pump I bought from craigslist for $50 thats a really good double electric so if it works out, I'm prepared!

Everyone says if you get past the first 6 weeks, you're golden, it's easy peasy after that.  Right now my plan (assuming all goes well) is to breastfeed and pump for 6 months.  I know I want to introduce a bottle early since I'll be going back to work so she'll *need* to take a bottle.  Plus that way, Chris and I can take turns at night too.

I have to do more reading on pumping because that's a whole other aspect to learn as far as timing, frequency, storage of milk, etc.  Let's just say I have quite a reading list this summer!

Luckily I love to read!

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