Thursday, May 19, 2011

26 Week Appt

I had my standard OB appointment this morning and the baby has moved from head down at the last ultrasound to transverse.  I guess that's ok, she didn't seem worried and there's plenty of time for her to move again!  This week's fun development is heartburn! And lots of it!  Can't really complain though, I have had  mostly problem free pregnancy so far.  I upgraded to appointments every 3 weeks now instead of monthly and I have to schedule my glucose tolerance test in the next 2 weeks.  Hopefully, I'll pass with flying colors!

We're halfway done our baby classess now and last night was the hospital tour which was fun.  They were pretty busy so we didn't get to see the newer rooms, but we saw the standard rooms and the overflow recovery rooms.  What's nice at this hospital is that unless necessary you and the baby stay in the same room the whole time.  Overall, the classes are nice but not necessary.  There's nuggets of good info in each class but lots of boring stuff too.  Our teacher is big on natural delivery and teaching us breathing techniques which is fine but let's get real - I'll be getting an epidural!  It would be nice in theory to go natural because you're not stuck in bed, no risk of spinal headache, less medication overall, etc but it will probably be waaaaay too much pain for me to take.

Right now, the baby is 14 inches head to heel and weighs almost 2 lbs.  And her hearing is fully developed and she's most sensitive to light, which is kind of cool to know.  They say you can shine a flashlight at your belly to see what her response is!

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