Tuesday, June 19, 2012

9 Months

3/4 of a year old and almost an outside baby as long as she was an inside baby.  She brings so much joy and fun into our lives its unbelievable.  The past month has been a whirlwind as always but we did manage to get our first family beach day in!  She loved everything about it especially the sand.  Oh the sand.  She ate so much of it.  The water was a little too cold but she still didn't mind when it rushed into her.

We also took our first family bike ride, so much fun.  She looks adorable in her helmet and somehow doesn't hate it!

This was also my first Mothers Day and Chris did quite well! I got a gorgeous pair of peridot and diamond earrings, peridot is Audrey's birthstone.  Love them so much <3

We just tried to spend some good quality family time together after tax season and before full time boardwalk season.  We went to the zoo and the park and for walks.  Audrey still has zero interest in crawling but lots of interest in walking while holding our hands.  She's starting to let go of one hand and see what happens, which usually is just stand there in the same position lol.  We've kept the same nap and eating schedule going for a few months now which looks like this.

7am - wake up, 6 oz bottle
7:30 - breakfast (yogurt or oatmeal with fruit puree and banana pieces)
9:00 - nap
10-10:30 - wake up, 6 oz bottle
12 noon - lunch (veggie/grain pouch, puffs or pieces of noodle, etc)
2-2:30 - 6 oz bottle, nap
4-4:30 - wake up
5pm - dinner (same as lunch basically)
7pm - 6 oz bottle, bed

She is such a happy baby and loves going out and seeing people.  And if you're not paying attention, watch out! She'll shriek until you look at her then smile, laugh and clap.  She is loving clapping right now, cracks me up.  Her other favorite game is peekaboo, with anything she can cover her face with.  It thrills me how interactive and smart she is.

8 Months

8 months old.  As per usual, hard to believe.

This was the end of tax season, thank god.  Looking forward to spending some good family time together in the next few weeks.  Audrey is still loving her jumperoo, going out and meeting new people and "walking" with our hands.  I swear she will never crawl.  Apparently, I never did either so maybe it's genetic!

Audrey had her first Easter, Chris and I were at the boardwalk working most of the weekend but I was able to get some Easter diaper photo shots in :)  Its nice for my grandparents and aunts and uncles to spend time with her even though I would have preferred being there also!  She's just so much fun and so happy everyone loves to see her.

 Her first Easter basket:

She's working on her top 2 teeth so in the next few weeks they should be cutting through.  Luckily they don't seem to bother her *too* much so I'm thankful for that!  We're working on giving her more table foods but Daddy is still terrified and wants to feed her purees forever :)  She's also starting to learn how to use the straw sippy which is fun.  The things that thrill me now!