Overall I had a great delivery even during a hurricane! So last weekend on Aug 25th, the news was going bananas about Hurricane Irene that was supposed to be a category 2 storm hitting directly in Cape May County (our county) and heading up the East Coast. The Governor declared a state of emergency starting Friday and the town where our store is located decided the boardwalk was essentially closing and no one would be allowed to open Fri, Sat or Sun! This was so crazy and absolutely unheard of, that Chris was freaking out.
Not only did he have to prep the stores for a storm and hope the power didn't go out so we didn't lose all our food, we were losing an entire weekend of business out of only the 10 good weekends we do have in a season. Plus I'm overdue and 3cm dilated.
He wanted to evacuate to PA where his parents live since our entire county was under mandatory evacuation but I realllly didn't want to do that. Our compromise was that we would stay at our house until Sat noon time then head to our friends who weren't being evacuated and live near the hospital and then go to the hospital and LIE about being in labor so we could be at the hospital during the height of the storm. I wasn't super into this plan but I wasn't leaving the state so that was our deal.
So around 6pm Sat we go to hospital and say I'm having contractions, which I am, they just weren't regular yet. Some were about 8mins apart though but not painful yet. It happened to be my doctor who was on duty which worked out really well. So they set me up for monitoring, check to see about my water (which hadn't broken yet) which all took a little while. At this point, the storm is crazy outside, lots of wind and rain but no flooding yet which was now the major concern. So the doctor says that normally he would send me home but due to the storm I could twist his arm to get induced then instead of Tues which I was scheduled for. We ended up saying yes because there was no way Chris was leaving at this point! lol
So they admitted me, got my hooked up to an iv and started pitocin! This was around 9pm I think. Somewhere between 8 and 9. I was doing really well pain wise for a while, until about 11pm or 12 then I called to get the epi since I knew it could take up to an hour for the anesthesiologist to get there. By the time they got the epi in I was up to about a 9 pain level but they checked me and I was also at 7cm! As soon as I got the epi though my heart rate and Audrey's went really low so I had to wear an oxygen mask and switch positions until they went back up. Which didn't happen right away so I got something in my iv to raise them back up and they turned the pit down at the same time. At this point both Chris and my mom were still outside the room, since getting the epi is a sterile procedure they had to step out. But they thought it was only going to be about 15 mins not 45, I'm sure they were freaking out! But our heartrates eventually stabilized and the pit was turned back up but I was stuck with oxygen :(
I rested for a little while then they came back to check me again around 2:15am and I was at 10cm and ready to push! I was super surprised to hear that since it had only been about an hour since the epi was in and I was stabilized. Of course as soon as he said I could push there was a 7 min spacing between contractions! She was at 0 station so they wanted my to try and push her to -1 station and see how good of a pusher I was. On the first push they could see the top of her head! Apparently I was an excellent pusher! At least that's what they told me. 7 pushes later at 2:57am she was born!!! It was seriously amazing even though super blurry in my head.
My doctor and the nurses were amazing and I only tore a little and had no stitches. Overall I couldn't have asked for a better labor and delivery even though it started as a lie to get admitted :)