Yay for viability day! I wasn't really ever too concerned with this milestone until the bleeding episodes I've had this pregnancy. Everything was fine and non interesting until the beginning of Nov. We were away in Hershey to see Disney Jr Live and I woke up pouring blood. Like a ton. It was gross and scary. I called the OB while heading to the ER. They luckily weren't very busy so they were able to get me in and seen relatively quickly. Standing in the ER I felt a huge huge gush and I honestly thought my water had broken and I was going to lose the baby. I was only 19w so I knew they wouldn't have been able to do anything for me if my water really had broken. So I was freaking out but trying to stay calm on the outside for Chris and Audrey.
They got me in and situated then took some blood and did an u/s which showed baby boy bouncing away. Cervix was fine, placenta was fine and miraculously baby was fine. Turns out it was a SCH that had burst. They told me to take it easy and go see my OB. The OB sent me to the MFM for an anatomy scan that week. I thought I was going to get to skip him this time but apparently not! He showed me where it was and said it was pretty big. Usually they resolve and go away on their own although mine doesn't seem to be doing that. It *shouldn't* cause me any problems but I'll be grilling him about that next appt since it isn't resolving.
Which I know because I started bleeding red again Thanksgiving Eve leading to a L&D visit Thanksgiving morning. Fun times. Luckily everything was fine again and I did get to watch the parade while drinking coffee :) I just prefer to do it at home next year!
We just got back from 4 days in Disney and luckily everything was ok there too, which I was worried about. So I'm continuing to try and not pick Audrey up too much and it seems likely I'll be on restricted activity and pelvic rest for the forseeable future. Hopefully not, but I'll find out more Christmas Eve.
We also found out at the a/s that baby boy's kidneys were mildly dilated so we're hoping that goes away by the next u/s also. Fingers crossed.
We have the room painted and rug bought, but that's it so far. Christmas and Disney have thrown off my schedule but we'll get there. I'm hoping to register next week or this weekend since I'm having a sprinkle sometime in January. Yay for cake and presents!! Really I do just think its nice to celebrate each baby with cake at least!