Thursday, August 1, 2013

B.E. 2.0

Well, we had a successful FET and 4 good beta's so looks like we're on this roller coaster again!  I started BCP's in the beginning of June, then overlapped with lupron, got a "lupron bleed" then started estrogen and progesterone 6/24/13.  The actual transfer was 7/12/13 and I promptly started POAS :)

Beta 1 was 9dp5dt 170 p4 10.8 (crinone)
Beta 2 was 12dp5dt 880 p4 4.2 (crinone)
Beta 3 was 16dpt5dt 3715 p4 21.7 (PIO)
Beta 4 was 17dpt5dt 8897 p4 24 (PIO)

In the meantime, I had started on crinone but when I went to refill it, it was going to cost $1, 000 a month! Insane and frankly, unaffordable. I talked to the doctor and he agreed to switch me to PIO. Who knew I would prefer ass shots?? They're actually  not bad at all, plus you get the actual progesterone level in your blood which makes me feel so much better!

My official due date is 3/30/13 which is...interesting, but not like we didn't know that going into it. It's funny because first time, I was so much more consumed with the actual pregnancy part of it. Now, I'm obsessed with the newborn part. I want to buy all the stuff I need, and tiny diapers and tiny clothes. Now that I know what to look forward to, I'm so so excited.  First u/s is next Tues, I'll be 6w1d so hopefully we'll see a heartbeat.

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