Wednesday, February 20, 2013


So after another million, ok 4, appointments, they decided I was ok to trigger on Wed, the day before Valentine's Day!  We made the arrangements for my mom to take Audrey Valentine's night since we had to be up there at 10:30 with "the sample" aka sperm.  So we thought, yay! night to ourselves, clean up, rest, etc.  Nope, I ended up with a stomach bug and didn't leave the bed It was awful and very boring for Chris!

Luckily by Friday morning I was mostly recovered, it helped that I hadn't eaten in 2 days! So the retrieval went well and they were able to get 15 eggs! I was shocked, honestly. The last u/s showed about 5ish around 20 and 5ish around 14/15 with a few above and a few below. I thought we were going to be lucky to get 10.

Daily updates said we ended up 14 normal embryos that kept dividing normally. Transfer was scheduled for the following Wed, which leads up to today.  They came in and told us they had one 4AA blast ready for us and 6(!!) to freeze. Given that AWESOME news, its such a weight off knowing we have more we can try with if this one doesn't stick. It also makes me believe the quality of the one we transferred is really good, probably better then the ones we transferred last time.  They didn't give us the actual grades last time.

So today I'm PUPO. Pregnant until proven otherwise.

Testing commences this weekend, stay tuned.

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