Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cloth Diaper workshop

We decided to cloth diaper so we wanted to go to a class and see all the diapers in person not just online.  We went to the Nesting House in a really cute area of Philly and it ended up being a 2 hour class!  She went over cloth vs disposable, care of cloth, and different cloth options.  It seemed easy, affordable, eco friendly, kind of a win win for everyone.

Diapering a child for 2 1/2 years in disposables cost somewhere around $2,500 vs the $300-800 of cloth diapering.  Not to mention the fact that disposables are the #1 non-recyclable item in landfills and don't break down for 500 years.  That blows my mind.

And the #1 reason - they are stinking cute!!  Kelly's Closet was having a special where spending $39 would get you a free diaper.  In that order I got a pack of orange Lil Joeyz.  Cutest.thing.ever.

They are so so tiny and adorable in person!

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