Sunday, March 6, 2011

1st Tri Wrap Up

It was a long first trimester but now time seems to by flying by.  The fact that I'm super busy at work helps with the time flying!  Overall, I can't really complain about the 1st tri.  Weeks 4-6 I craved sour and regular chewy candies like CRAZY!  It was so ridiculous, I ate so many chewy Runts, chewy Sprees, chewy Nerds anything anyone in my family could find me.  This was over Christmas too, so I got lots of candy in my stocking!  That passed by week 6 or so and from then on, until very recently I wanted almost nothing to eat.  Nothing sounded good, nothing looked good, it was all just blah.  I didn't ever throw up but I was nauseous pretty  much all day every day especially if I let my stomach get empty.  I ate lots of crackers and that was about it.  I started taking B6 by week 6 and that definitely helped so that I wasn't really in pain or anything it was just a constant annoyance.  I was also and still am sometimes just so so tired.  I have a 9pm bedtime most nights, even still.

Chris, my husband, has been so so good to me.  He made dinner every night and cleaned it up a lot too, which I know he hates.  I'm starting to get some energy back so I want to split things more equally again.  I also let the gym slack pretty badly which doesn't help with my energy level but I'm trying to go at least 2x a week from now on.  I'm still on restrictions for my ovary, but I have another appt this Friday that I'm hoping to get good news from.  Also, I'm hoping to find out the sex!  They should be able to tell as long as they get a clear shot.  If I get a nice tech, hopefully she'll make sure we get a good shot :)

I'll leave you with a bare belly shot from 12 weeks!

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