Thursday, March 17, 2011

Anatomy Scan Scheduled!

I was sent to a maternal-fetal specialist since my ovaries are still enlarged from the IVF, so we had a mini anatomy scan last week.  Everything was fine with the baby thankfully, and my left ovary is back to normal but righty is still being annoying.  I'm still to follow my restrictions: no yoga, no running, no sex and no lifting.  Boooooo! 

But the real anatomy scan is officially scheduled (with the specialist) for April 1st at 10am!!!!  We'll officially know if B.E. (our nickname for Baby Edwards) is a girl or boy! Cannot wait!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

17 weeks

It is truly unfathomable that I am 17 weeks pregnant sometimes.  Just this morning I was thinking about when we went pumpkin picking last October and we were literally the ONLY people without at least one kid.  It was still a good day, but made me sad on the drive home.  Some parents had even brought their parents to take pics of "the baby" with pumpkins.

I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be one of those people this October.  It goes to show even though I assume every pregnant person had it easy and every baby was conceived instantly infertility does lose sometimes.  Not often enough but sometimes.  I know more than a handful of people who are still waiting to get pregnant and I wish everyone could just get to the end of that crap path.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Crib is Ordered!

Thanks to my generous mother in law, we were able to order the crib this week!  It is a little early, but with Chris opening the store Easter weekend he's feeling the pressure to get some of the "big" stuff and put it together.  So we're all ready to order and of course now it's out of stock on Babies R Us website.  Grrrr.  Luckily a friend reminded me they sold it at other stores and I found it at  And for cheaper with free shipping!  So now it should be here next week!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Registering is overwhelming...

Even though it's kind of early to register I wanted to get started on it at least, plus Chris opens the store again Easter weekend, so that's the end of days off together unless I take off from work.  We only have a Babies r Us near us but it doesn't have a ton of selection in the store so we took a roadtrip to Buy Buy Baby about an hour away.

Holy baby stuff.  There was a freaking WALL of pacifiers.  I literally didn't know what to do with myself.  We just stood there staring like uhhh I have no idea what to get.  I have been reading Baby Bargains so I thought I had a handle on it but not really.  I know what I like for the "big" stuff but there's soooo much small stuff I didn't even think about.  And I hate clutter so I tend to think of it all as unnecessary crap, which isn't helpful either!  Chris is the opposite and thinks we need everything they sell, so we're an interesting match!

We had a timeline of about an hour and half to get through the store before we had to leave to go to an ice cream trade show (yum!) but by the time we left I thought I had been in a war.

Right now it's the most ridiculous looking registry since Chris hit the scan bottom like 3 times on a car seat and 12 on a set of teethers! LOL  Plus we skipped around a lot knowing we're also really registering at BRU.  But we got to see some things in person we hadn't seen and added some items that BRU doesn't sell so overall I'd call it a success!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

1st Tri Wrap Up

It was a long first trimester but now time seems to by flying by.  The fact that I'm super busy at work helps with the time flying!  Overall, I can't really complain about the 1st tri.  Weeks 4-6 I craved sour and regular chewy candies like CRAZY!  It was so ridiculous, I ate so many chewy Runts, chewy Sprees, chewy Nerds anything anyone in my family could find me.  This was over Christmas too, so I got lots of candy in my stocking!  That passed by week 6 or so and from then on, until very recently I wanted almost nothing to eat.  Nothing sounded good, nothing looked good, it was all just blah.  I didn't ever throw up but I was nauseous pretty  much all day every day especially if I let my stomach get empty.  I ate lots of crackers and that was about it.  I started taking B6 by week 6 and that definitely helped so that I wasn't really in pain or anything it was just a constant annoyance.  I was also and still am sometimes just so so tired.  I have a 9pm bedtime most nights, even still.

Chris, my husband, has been so so good to me.  He made dinner every night and cleaned it up a lot too, which I know he hates.  I'm starting to get some energy back so I want to split things more equally again.  I also let the gym slack pretty badly which doesn't help with my energy level but I'm trying to go at least 2x a week from now on.  I'm still on restrictions for my ovary, but I have another appt this Friday that I'm hoping to get good news from.  Also, I'm hoping to find out the sex!  They should be able to tell as long as they get a clear shot.  If I get a nice tech, hopefully she'll make sure we get a good shot :)

I'll leave you with a bare belly shot from 12 weeks!